Saturday, June 28, 2014

Help with teaching in Taiwan?

Help with teaching in Taiwan?
In my 4 years here in Taiwan I have been both a teacher and a tutor for everyone from 5yr olds to 30~40 something business men/women and in that time I have never had a student ask me something that I couldn't easily find an answer to or figure a way around answering them (only if it is something that they shouldn't know ie 7-9yr old boys asking about sex). But this time I had a group of 6th grade students (boys and girls) ask me why do people wear underwear. Now this is the one thing that I have been asked that I didn't know what to say, and I have put them off for a few weeks now but they are persistent in getting an answer. Actually I am sort of curious my self. 1. Why do people wear underwear? 2. Is there a good answer to give them? 3. Is there some website or book about the history of underwear haha. 4. Has anyone else had any crazy questions from their students that stand out in your mind. I have told them that they should ask their parents or grandparents, and tried passing them off on other teachers but they keep coming back to me for an answer. I want to ask for serious answers but I don't think that there can be any for this question.
Taiwan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why do people wear underwear? To keep the stains off my jeans and onto something easier to replace. (OK...gross image). Actually, there is a great article on wikipedia about this. Great. Here I am at work scrolling through wikipedia and get to the pics of underwear. Glad nobody saw that because few people here speak English and it would be hard to explain that I'm trying to answer your question and not some perv. My craziest story of a student wasn't from a question, it was from his answer. We were doing living and nonliving things. I put the question "name 3 living things near a lake." He wrote: 1) fish 2) tree 3) frog OK...good answers. No problem there. "Name 3 nonliving things near a lake." He wrote down three things like rock, water, and something else. He erased them and put: 1) Plastic bag 2) Knife 3) Teacher I was too afraid to mark them wrong and I knew he knew what I meant anyway. :-) (Don't worry...he was a good kid. Made me laugh a lot).
2 :
I think that's all for comfortable. If you don't wear under-wears,won't it feel uncomfortable?
3 :
IF there is a hole that you don't find at pants. and no underwear.what a terrible. lol
4 :
Best possible answer: To keep their GG warm! It's kinda crude and may elicit a variety of responses from horror to uncontrollable laughter, but at least it's honest!

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