Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Overseas summer volunteering opportunities for High School Student (preferably Asia)?

Overseas summer volunteering opportunities for High School Student (preferably Asia)?
Well, right now I'm looking for volunteer opportunities for a high school student to volunteer overseas (preferably in Asia). I was just wondering if anyone know of any good opportunities for like grassroots volunteering (helping teach local kids English, volunteering in local villages, etc.) since I'm not very interested in those big programs where grassroots volunteering in rural isn't their main focus. If anyone knew of any programs like this, it'd be great since right now, I'm looking for opportunities in China and Taiwan.
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I taught English in China for 3 years. You can work in China for a month or two in the summer for good pay and airfare!! Plus, the chinese will treat you great, and the school will take care of you!! Email me if you have any questions - it was a fabulous eperience!! Search on "teach english in china". Lots of websites that has info. Pretty early, though, to be looking for next summer.

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