Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is anyone from Taiwan or have you hosted a student from Taiwan?

Is anyone from Taiwan or have you hosted a student from Taiwan?
My husband and I will be hosting a 20 year old male student from Taiwan. The host coordinator told us that there are many things about American life that is different then life in Taiwan. Such as eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, and social aspects. What are some of these things?
Taiwan - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
hmmm... well it IS VERY different well...asians dont quite prefer (most of them) dairy products like milk and cheese. they like rice/noodles and they tend to go in their little groups of taiwiwanese freinds... haha sleeping i guess its the same? :) FREE POINTS please help me math!!! v;_ylt=AuVOu_fEa2wmuOOF.qBaZ1Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080619145933AAhChaX
2 :
Why didn't you ask the "social coordinator"? She should have told you what to expect. I have friends in Taiwan, and I have visited them, and they have visited me, and I didn't have any real culture shock. Maybe it is more of a generational thing. I noticed in some places, there is a sign that one cannot put toilet paper in the toilet (because it clogs the pipes). There is a plastic bucket by the toilet for paper that you have just used to wipe yourself. But that was only in cheap, old places.