Saturday, August 28, 2010

Taiwan student's confuse about "Whizziwig" this book background?

Taiwan student's confuse about "Whizziwig" this book background?
Hi~ i am taiwan student!! i have a homework about "Whizziwig" this book ! Can someone tell me what is the background of this book and what is this book saying about, also can tell me your comment!? thank u very much. This subject is very important to me, i hope someone can help me.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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我想你可以参考下维基百科上的资料, 这本书我没看过呢

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Medical school in Taiwan for ABC student?

Medical school in Taiwan for ABC student?
So I am planning on studying medicine in Taiwan but i am kind of worry because i don't know how write in Chinese but i can understand and speak Chinese perfectly. So i want to know how does the professors in Taiwan teaches; the language that the Test, exam and homework will be based on.
Taiwan - 2 Answers
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Everything (Language in Class, Test, Exams, and homework) are in Chinese.
2 :
yeah, everything will be taught in chinese, so you have to know how to read and write it too, at a high level. Writing and reading is part of the "tool box" that you need to succeed in any class. I am sorry, but I just think that the professors will teach in mandarin, the assignments will be in mandarin and expect you to write mandarin well if you want to pass. Maybe you can try to improve your writing skills first and then go back?

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Is Taiwan safe for an american high school exchange student?

Is Taiwan safe for an american high school exchange student?
I am signing up for an exchange student program, to go to a Tawainese high school from Febuary-June. Would Taiwan be safe and enjoyable?
Other - Asia Pacific - 4 Answers
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1 word... kidnap
2 :
yeah why not?
3 :
Go to From there, go to International Travel and "seek out" Taiwan. This is the official government website... it should tell you the proper ways to get around. From how to get into the country and exit the country to safety and security/crime.
4 :
Yes, absolutely. It is considered a First World Country, and your life in Taiwan will be the same as your life in America. The only major difference with be the difficulties with Language: English is not really spoken by large sectors of the population. You will definitely have a good time in shopping there and visiting the provinces - there are lots of interesting places so see. For more updates about living as a foreigner in Taiwan:

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

foreign student in taiwan, and i would like to go to canada for study?

foreign student in taiwan, and i would like to go to canada for study?
hi there. i am a foreign student in taiwan.i studied here about one year. but i would like to go to canada for study. is it possible to study in canada, which is i will drop my school here and change it to canadian college. will they give me visa( canadian embassy in taiwan) ? or can i transfer my school to canadian college. is taiwanese university system valid in canada?( canadian college or university)
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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depends on acceptance by the college/univ and your nationality. taiwan edu is valid. so u have to check with the canadian school if they're willing to accept transfer. if they do, they will issue letter of acceptance which u could then go and get a visa. so pl dont drop sch til u get place and visa.

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