Thursday, February 28, 2013

Volunteer Abroad Program in Taiwan?

Volunteer Abroad Program in Taiwan?
Does anyone know of a good volunteer abroad program in Taiwan? for a high school student? I can't seem to find any online. What my friend(s) and I wish to do is find a good volunteer abroad program in Taiwan so we can help teach english to young children or anything else necessary. We're all minors between the ages of 16 and 17. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Community Service - 1 Answers
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Professional teachers in Taiwan usually have a degree and a TEFL certificate. If you go there as a volunteer this means that you are underqualified and - effectively - taking work away from a proper teacher. Meanwhile in a lot of cases the class you are teaching have paid in full for an English teacher. This is an unfortunate situation but in many, many cases volunteer placements are a money making exercise for the business which arranges them. If you want o volunteer, look for something local to you where you will do some good - teaching English to immigrants or refugees, for example.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

how much is the cost of living in Tainan, Taiwan?

how much is the cost of living in Tainan, Taiwan?
international student in Southern Taiwan University @ We Never Left: can you give me a rough estimate on that (I am referring to my previous question about living expenses in Taiwan)? My scholarship grant waived tuition & monthly dorm fees, so that will be excluded to the budget. However, I am not certain about insurances & visa application, or whatever dues that I will be compelled to do so. Merely, my concerns are food (in & out of the campus), transport, books, laptop/notebook (should I buy one there or better to bring one? which is more expensive?). Those are my concerns by far.. Thank you.
Taiwan - 2 Answers
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If you avoid expensive purchases, you can easily get by on US$1000 per month.

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Any recommendations for cheap and good hostels in Taipei?

Any recommendations for cheap and good hostels in Taipei?
This will be my first trip to Taiwan. I am a college student in the United States, and am fluent in Mandarin Chinese so language is not a problem. I plan to visit for a week sometime after Christmas and over the New Year, and hope to catch the festive season celebrations. I would like some information about cheap and good hostels in Taipei, and how much I should budget for a week's holiday. Thanks!
Taiwan - 5 Answers
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1 :
welcome to taipei,place i liveing now!!!!!!^ ^ taipei has subway system and bus ,you can go anywhere in taipei i will show you some info of taipei cheap hostel i know go this site there is a young hostel located at taipei railway station and also taipei mrt(subway)station for 1 person shared room only 9us dollar! 290 nt a night and there ia a good hotel you should budget 200 usd for a week you can visa taipei in 12/31 most hotel are about 30 usd in taipei 300
2 :
Try to compare prices. I linked to two good hostels below.
3 :
HI, It is a good thing you mentioned that you are a student. Please read stuff in the Following Link: At the Airport Tourist Info Counter, join up for the Free Youth Pass. It gets you discounts, stay at Govt Hostels at a really good price . If you are here over NY Eve:
4 :
i stayed in this 1 Sept...w/ my gf. it's in a v convenience city-centre location. walking distance to their tube.
5 :
1. Peaceful and non-smoking international travelers can stay at PROF. LEE'S HOSPITALITY APARTMENT SUITE 2. SUGGESTED DAILY BUDGET (1 USD=32.5 TWD/NT): Accommodation: NT$700 Transpotation: NT$150 Meals, drinks, and fruites: NT$500 Other: personal.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Needs help for a research paper about Homosexuality?

Needs help for a research paper about Homosexuality?
Hi there. I am a college student studying in Taiwan. I am right now doing this research paper about Bible vs. Homosexuality, and I want to know if there's any way that I can find any information online about heterosexual Christians, especially biblical scholars who are willing to stand up and speak for the gay people/ community, about their rights and everything? Any links or books or articles that I can find online would be very appreciated. Thanks for the help and answering the questions.
Homework Help - 4 Answers
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1 :
You might check online for California newspapers, such as The San Francisco Chronicle.
2 :
i cant help in relation to your research... it is very rare to find literature that expresses christian's positive views and opinions on the subject of homosexuality; although i know such positive opinion exist within certain denominations. take a look at the link below .. interesting research!!!!! wish you well! another link....
3 :
hi sexy email me please please i'm lonely i live in california
4 :
heres something that you could put in there... theres nothing wrong with it and people shouldnt get judged for it. get to know the people for who they are, not the gender they like, and you will feel better about your self!!

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