Sunday, August 1, 2010

foreign student in taiwan, and i would like to go to canada for study?

foreign student in taiwan, and i would like to go to canada for study?
hi there. i am a foreign student in taiwan.i studied here about one year. but i would like to go to canada for study. is it possible to study in canada, which is i will drop my school here and change it to canadian college. will they give me visa( canadian embassy in taiwan) ? or can i transfer my school to canadian college. is taiwanese university system valid in canada?( canadian college or university)
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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depends on acceptance by the college/univ and your nationality. taiwan edu is valid. so u have to check with the canadian school if they're willing to accept transfer. if they do, they will issue letter of acceptance which u could then go and get a visa. so pl dont drop sch til u get place and visa.

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