Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is anyone here a highschool student in taiwan that moved here from America?

Is anyone here a highschool student in taiwan that moved here from America?
Hi, I'm Yen, and I've lived in California eight years and have recently moved to Taiwan. I'm a high school student, and I'm just looking for someone to chat who has something in common with me. I live in kaoshiung, and I go to a language school called Wenzao Ursuline College of languages. My email is A few things about me; I'm a Virgo, I'm sixteen and I love Desperate Housewives. haha well ok hope someone answers!
Taiwan - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i dont think any hs student will move from america to taiwan.. its always from taiwan to america... but i used to live in taiwan back in elementary.. soo yea.. u can add me on facebook cuz i have like no contact in taiwan
2 :
hi!! im a freshman in hs.. and im moving to the same town your living in! ive been waiting so long fer someone else to answer the same question i have.:] so.. how do you lik eit so far? how long have you been there? :]

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