Thursday, October 28, 2010

How can a college student in the U.S. find summer entry jobs/internships in Taipei, Taiwan?

How can a college student in the U.S. find summer entry jobs/internships in Taipei, Taiwan?
I'm a Freshman with a business intended major in the U.S. and I'm interested in a 2010 summer job or internship in Taipei, Taiwan. Is there a free website or service where I can post my resume for potential Taipei employers? Or some other way I can get myself noticed there? Oh, and I can speak basic mandarin
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Short answer is : Taiwan is a very saturated market today. Unless you know people, there's little to expect. But as always, you could get lucky. I'm not particularly knowledgeable in what sites to post (And it depends on whether you know Chinese, obviously) I'd even start with networking sites like facebook, myspace and ask around.
2 :
it will cost you a fortune in living expenses over there to do that-probably a lot more thanb any internship would pay

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