Friday, January 28, 2011

Is there any programs for high school students to teach english in taiwan as a summer job?

Is there any programs for high school students to teach english in taiwan as a summer job?
i am a high school student and i wish to teach english in taiwan over the summer for a summer job because i am very interested in my taiwanese culture and love going to taiwan. I also want to gain some work experience in my high school career and thought that teachign english in taiwan would be great.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
That is a good question and I'm not sure i have the answer.have you checked with your school English teacher.I do know that there are programs involving exchange students for summer ,but i think i would contact your local church.they may sponsor you.BUT you need a school in Taiwan that will have a opening. CONTACT the Americorp's a volunteer teaching ORG. it's our answer to peace corp.Do your research well,and plan ahead.

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