Friday, January 14, 2011

Student to Taiwan?

Student to Taiwan?
I am visiting Taiwan this summer and I am nervous about going. I'm not sure what to expect or what to do when I get there. I am studying Mandarin while I'm there, but I will have weekends and evenings to do my own thing. What should I do, where should I go, who should I befriend, what should I see? I'll be in Taipei most of the time, but I want to see many more cities. Also, is there a gay community in Taiwan?
Taiwan - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, Taiwan has the BEST night markets...You should go there because it has the best foods! Remember to exchange your money to NT$( Lots of things are really cheap) There are tons of beggers and stuff FYI Taiwan has BEAUTIFUL landscapes, go and visit the mountians Taiwan has restaurants that are mini four-five course meals that include: soup, main course, desert, coffee/tea/drink I am Taiwanese but I don't live in Taiwan, so I am not sure if there is a gay community there, but I am sure there is Have a great trip! 一路順風
2 :
hmm, i would disagree with the statement about beggars here. There are people who are street vendors who sell things cheaply, but in my 8 years here I have only been approached by a beggar 2 times, both when I was sitting at an outdoor restaurant. People in Taiwan have more dignity than to beg. The beggars all left to America and Canada. Anyways, if you are in a Mandarin class: bang- friends taken care of. There are OTHER people taking the class too as well as your teachers potentially. Evenings lots of nightclubs. There are gay ones, but I personally dont know where, being happily married and a hetero non-drinker. I believe that you can do some reasearch at or at for that. There is a yearly gay parade around the same time as the big brazilian festival 'Carnivale'. I actually forgot when that is... sigh. Mostly its men wearing womens clothes and chinese lesbians making out in a parade. Insert any stereotype into a generator and you will see it before you in a parade. Check out for more articles on life in taiwan and other potential things to do. If you DO get bored at night or run out of money having too much fun, its easy to pick up work teaching english in the evenings usually. Check out the night markets. Check out 101, check out Taroko, Sun Moon Lake, Kenting. Lots to do and see.
3 :
don't worry too much, you are gonna love this place :) i am sure you will make friends easily since taiwanese like to learn english from foreigners! i'd love to show you around but i don't live in taipei so it's not bad, anyways, good luck!
4 :
oh, don't be nervous. Taiwan is a great place. well, i think u should visit Hsimending, it's a place where u can do shopping, and u can go there very easily by MRT(it like a...subway). and u should also go to YingKe(i'm not sure if i spell it right, u can ask other taiwanese where "鶯歌" is) it's a place which is famous of it's porcelain. although YingKe is not in taipei, but u can go there by tram, and it only takes u about half an hour. Tainan is also a nice place where u can visit, there r lot of temples, and the oldest school of taiwan, but the transportation of tainan isn't as convenience as taipei. um...ah-ha! Nantou is also nice. there r the monument of the 921 earthquake. there r still many placese u should visit, like national palace museum and C.K.S. Memorial Hall(Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall)....... About the gay community. i don't have many information of that. but lots of people told me that if u go to 228park in taipei at night along, it's easily to be accosting by gays or lesbian. don't ask me if that's true or not, i've never tried it. so........welcome to taiwan and hope u enjoy the life in taiwan.
5 :
Hi, No Worries, you will make friends at your school. You should also get a Youth TravelPass, and peruse this site for more info: You will enjoy the Night Markets and Ximenting in the evenings and weekends . You can get gay info on Taiwan and Asia here:
6 :
You'll find what you need in terms of travel and food here:;_ylt=Au5I0N6GVwPIJGdtjRfLzPn8xmoA As for things to do, put up a note on the bulletin board of the place where you're taking Mandarin lessons to find a language exchange partner. If it's in a university, you'll have no problem finding someone who's decent, friendly and helpful. As for the gay community, yes, we do have them in Taiwan. In fact, I know two (one male, one female) who are very active in the community. If you're interested, I'll give you their contact info. They'll sure be glad to show you around. (One of them took English in college so there'll be no language barriers)
7 :
Take it easy,you'll meet many friends and see interesting things in Taiwan.

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