Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What should I study next for getting a future job in America?

What should I study next for getting a future job in America?
I'm a senior college student from Taiwan, right now I feel pretty confused about my future: I have a bachelor of Russian language, and I've attended Student Association at school for 3 years (as vice chairman for 1 year) , I want to get my master degree in America. Actually I'll immigrate to America legally soon, so I need to study something that helps my future career, the problem is, I have no idea what to study. My aunt who works for America military told me to study Computer Science, cuz she thinks I can get a good job with it. She also told me as a foreigner, what I'm interested in- international relationship, international journalism, marketing, and language, won't help me to get any good paying job. To her, only high-tech job will help Asian to make a living. Is that true? I've got answers from some nice friends that being a translator might not be a good choice. Can anyone give me some more idea what I can study for my possible future job instead of Chinese teacher? Thx
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
lots of people from my country are taking up nursing so they can migrate to america because the pay is good... even the those who are already doctors are doing it! they also say that teaching is a good job which pays well too... we also have a lot of teachers migrating to america...
2 :
Pharmacy make great career + money too. Jobs come after you not the other way round.
3 :
Actually, if your English is good, Marketing and Public Relations are pretty high paying jobs. You can do marketing for high-tech companies, all kinds of companies. Not in the beginning, mind you. But after a few years in the field, you can expect to make good money. Also, there is a lot of travel/communication between the US (mostly western) and Asia in this field.

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