Saturday, April 28, 2012

What should I study next for getting a future job in America?

What should I study next for getting a future job in America?
I'm a senior college student from Taiwan, right now I feel pretty confused about my future: I have a bachelor of Russian language, and I've attended Student Association at school for 3 years (as vice chairman for 1 year) , I want to get my master degree in America. Actually I'll immigrate to America legally soon, so I need to study something that helps my future career, the problem is, I have no idea what to study. My aunt who works for America military told me to study Computer Science, cuz she thinks I can get a good job with it. She also told me as a foreigner, what I'm interested in- international relationship, international journalism, marketing, and language, won't help me to get any good paying job. To her, only high-tech job will help Asian to make a living. Is that true? I've got answers from some nice friends that being a translator might not be a good choice. Can anyone give me some more idea what I can study for my possible future job instead of Chinese teacher? Thx
Careers & Employment - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Listen to your aunt!! And you will always have a great job!!!
2 :
In the Us there was an article on front page of Yahoo...I cannot find it at this minute but it told of the areas where US employers are looking to fill jobs. As I recall they were sales reps for every industry in high demand; technical trades: auto mechanics, electrical,plumbing skills, names a couple three. In order to succeed, you should be trained in areas where we are looking to fill those openings. good luck..and wow. You're very well educated!
3 :
Options are boundless, only limited by your imagination and sprit; free your mind. Information systems is a hot field where you can write your ticket pretty much worldwide. Networking and security systems would be my specific recommendation in the computer field. Langugae is a great field, intrepreting and teaching as you mentioned; both great options. The health care field continues to grow in the US and abroad. There are many opportunities in that field from caregiving to administration. Law enforcement is a growing field from enforcement, and administration to corrections. Not a field I would recommend, but nevertheless and important field that will remain and grow. Corporate business provides unlimited options; use your language skills as a writer of administrative or technical documents. Most important is what are you good at and like to do? If you can find that field and break in you will have met total success in your life guaranteed. Consider the tourism industry. Many positions are there; managining, operating and maintaining properties and transportation systems. Scheduling as an agent. Dream big.
4 :
Actually I think your interests in international relationships, international journalism, marketing, and language, could actually help you get a job with many fortune 500 companies. Many companies need people who can speak foreign languages, especially in the Asian markets like Taiwan, and since we've gone into the new millennium. The world economy is slowly but surely going over to Asia. This means that people can speak both Asian languages and English will be a commodity to a company. But that's not all your other interest also allow much use into politics. ;However to go into this field you have to become a U.S. citizen. And the few people I know who done it tell me it's not that easy. But if you do choose to do that can become a translator for a statesman that is goin' over to another country,or a translator at the U.N., Maybe even a translator for news agency. You can also join the U.S. military and since you do have degrees most likely be put up as an officer. These are the only ones I can think of right now so I hope I've been some help to you.

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