Monday, October 1, 2012

American high school student's opinions?

American high school student's opinions?
I'm a student from Taiwan, and yes, I had stayed in USA for a while. Now I am back to Taiwan, and I want to do a research. If it's okay for you to answer the following questions, please help me. I'd be really really glad. :D Oh, and please give me your age. 1. If a new student walks in the classroom with an afraid look, what's the first thought that slipped into your head? A. she is wimpy. B. I should go hlep her. C. Ignore her! 2. One of your classmates acts like she is not capable of doing anything. Never does she join the activities passionately. What will you think of her? A. She is a loser. B. Maybe she is too shy. C. She is humble that she doesn't want to show off. 3. Does what one wears affect how much you want to be friends with him/her? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes. 4.Your classmate responds to the teachers whenever she can. She gets all the answers right, and your thought is... A. Yeah, she is good! B. Come on, can she please shut up? C. Suit herself. Just don't bother me. 5. Which kind of people make you be less willing to takl to? A. One who talks a lot B. One who is extremely quiet. 6.Do you think where the International student from affects how much you want to be his/her friend? A. Yes B. No C. It only happens when I terribly hate/love the country. 7. Which one will you admire most when you first hear his/her status in school? A. A jock B. One who gets lead in the musical C. Student President D. The smartest girl/guy in school E. Cheerleaders 8. What kind of personality attracts you more to be his/her friend? A. Beautiful, confident, and popular. B. Smiley, friendly, but not that popular. C. Not popular but have a small group of his/her own. S/he has great integrity.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1 c cuz at my school everyone else luvs the new ppl so its not meh deal 2 b 3 c my best friend dresses gothic and i dress preppy 4 a 5 b im very obnoxious so id need a partner in crime 6 a cuz if they speak a different language i dont have the patience 7 i dont really admire anyone 8 i like everyone
2 :
1. B i would help the new student 2. A but i would think she was a faker/poser who doesn't commit more than a loser. 3. B no way! some of my friends dress up every day and others wear sweats. idc. 4. B if it's someone else. but it's usually me 5. neither. i talk to everybody! 6. B 7.D 8. B

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