Sunday, October 28, 2012

Do north Korean and south Korean want to reunify together as one nation someday like China and Taiwan do?

Do north Korean and south Korean want to reunify together as one nation someday like China and Taiwan do?
here in US i heard north Korean students and south Korean students don't really talk to each other. but they ARE the same people. it's kind of sad that people alienate each other just because of different government system even though they are both the same flesh and blood.
Korea - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your understand is a bit flawed. China wants to take over Taiwan, Taiwan wants to continue to be a free county not under the rule of communist China. It is not to be reunified, China does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country.
2 :
China wants to take control of taiwan, but neither does Taiwan or the US want taiwan to be controlled by China, so no, china and taiwan kind of hate each other. As for NK and SK, both Governments always spout how much they want to reunify in order to gain votes and sympathy, but truth be told, reunifying SK and NK would be horrible for the economy of SK, US and china, NK has nothing to lose, except power...There will be no reunification unless NK completely collapses and is taken over by SK or china.
3 :
China and US is using NK/SK, respectively, as a leverage to keep each other in check, there's a reason NK runs to China all the time for help when something comes up and they're the ones who meet up with US to calm the situation down. When Yunpyung do was bombed recently, why did China suddenly get involved in it? All the troops and nukes they might have is nothing but a show-off to scare normal citizens, NK knows they'd blow up to pieces in seconds if they were to use that to start a war or anything... this isn't 1950s when NK were better off than SK (yeah it was true). Unless China goes down like the Soviets did when Germany was split (there's a chance since they're communist regime, but they have WAY too many people for this to actually happen, lol) or US does (lolx2), or NK's government crumbles themselves (unlikely since China will probably help them), I don't think reunification is possible anytime soon.
4 :
It would be more like East and West Germany, in that the country was divided at the end of world war 2. Yes there are many families that have been separated and would like to be together again. The problem is that China does not want the U.S. military near its border or having influence in all of Korea. The country may reunite, but probably not for many years.

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