Friday, February 7, 2014

Living in Taipei Taiwan?

Living in Taipei Taiwan?
I have done a lot of research about learning Chinese and studying martial arts. The research has been pretty much on China and not thinking about Taiwan. I have found a wing chun school (a branch of kung fu) in taipei but the links to the school are broken and can't be found. So, without rambling too much I pretty much want to know a decent area to live in (cheaply) a good language school and/or colleges and a wing chun school. As of right now Im a 1st year American college student.
Taiwan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not sure if Taiwan is the best place to learn kung fu. How about China?
2 :
Yes,you need to go to China Main Land.
3 :
You can take a look at the webpage of Taipei Yun Chun Class first:!CrA05_yTHBZzSsp.uP1VohKaQwYSp3uh1h8qsmw2/ I think they have all the information you need.
4 :
Taiwan has kept the arts where as in china they were lost for a time. Taiwan is a good place and the people will treat you very good. i lived there for 8 years. i do suggest to not live in Taipei its dirty and costly. go south from the middle of the island to as far south as you can. the weather is much much better there than Taipei. the middle of the island the people are much more nice and will treat you like a small town in the usa. get a international driving license here and they will honor it there. even if you stay a short time some friends and you will have a lot of them offer to let you use a motorcycle. to make friends go to a English club. ps: i make wing chun swords

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