Monday, February 14, 2011

Can I apply for UK citizenship if I'm on an UK student visa?

Can I apply for UK citizenship if I'm on an UK student visa?
I am currently studying in London with a student visa. I heard from my friends that if I lived in the UK for 5 years, I can apply for an UK citizenship. Does that mean I would've lived in the UK for three years for school, if I can find a job here and work for two years, I'm eligible for UK citizenship? I'm a bit confused so if anyone can help, that would be great! I'm from Taiwan so I have a Republic of China, Taiwan, passport, and my student visa is for one year each time so I go back to Taiwan to reapply and I only have one more year left. I hope that's enough background information. Thanks a lot!
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes you can actually. And you could have done it at anytime you felt you wanted to become a UK citizen. You only would have had to follow their requirements. Links Take notice she cut and paste from the link I gave you. So don't let her have you believe she is smarter than the link provided. Make contact to UK immigration from the link provided and ask them for yourself.
2 :
Sorry, but it's more complicated than that. Notice especially the last part of this cut and paste, where it says you must have lived in the UK for at least a year with permanent residence/ indefinite leave to remain (ILR); Naturalisation after five years in the UK If you are not married to a British Citizen you will need to meet the following requirements to apply for naturalisation: You must be aged 18 or over and are not of unsound mind. You must be of good character. You should be able to communicate in the English language (or Welsh or Scottish Gaelic). There are exemptions to this requirement, for example if you are elderly or mentally handicapped. You should intend to live in the UK or in Crown Service abroad (working directly for an UK Government organisation), or be employed by an international organisation of which the UK is a member, or be employed by a company or association established in the United Kingdom. If you are not married to an UK Citizen you will need to meet the following residence requirements over the last five years. You must have been living in the UK exactly five years before the date the application reaches the Home Office; and During the five-year period you must not have been outside the United Kingdom for more than 450 days (about 15 months); and During the last 12 months of the five-year period you must not have been outside the UK for more than 90 days; and During the last 12 months of the five-year period your stay in the United Kingdom you must have held permanent residence/ indefinite leave to remain (ILR); and You must not have been living in the United Kingdom in breach of the UK immigration rules at any time during the five-year period ending with the date that the application is received by the Home Office.
3 :
Sorry to disappoint you, the previous answers are incorrect. In order to obtain citizenship, you must have been in the UK for five years AND the last year must have been with Indefinite leave to remain. As you say that you have to renew your visa every year, it is evident that this does not apply to you. "Foreign nationals may apply for certificates of naturalisation. This also applies to Commonwealth citizens and Irish citizens. Applicants must: have lived legally in the United Kingdom for five years (the last year should have been free of any time limit); be 18 or over not be of unsound mind; be of good character; have sufficient knowledge of English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic (depending on their age and physical and mental condition); and stay closely connected with the United Kingdom."

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