Thursday, May 1, 2014

can i get the student financial aid if my parents are not US citizen?

can i get the student financial aid if my parents are not US citizen?
my name is malinda im 19 years old.. im a us citizen but not my parents.. i lived in indonesia since i was a baby till i finish my junior high school.. and i finish my high school in taiwan.. .. i just came here about 2 month and wantetd to collage that i can't afford.. my parents divorce sinse i was a baby, my father lives in indonesia and my mother in taiwan.. i go to FAFSA.ED.GOV to aply an student financial aid, but they said i need to give them at least one of my parents information... and they have to sign the aplication if its on paper.. or they can also aply for a pin number if i aply by electronic.. the problem is they not here, so they can't sign the aplication and they didn't have a social security number so they can't aply the pin number.. i also did'nt contact them for a long time for some reason.. but FAFSA said i can't aply as an independent student... so... is there anybody have an idea what should i do?
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, you can. But, you must put the parents information and income information (converted to US Dollars) with whom you lived with the most recently on your fafsa application. Even if it has been several years. You will have to get your parents tax forms (from whatever country they live). When it asks for that parents Social Security number enter in nine 0's ( 000-00-0000 ) and print out the signature page and mail the signature page to them so they can sign it. They then need to mail the signed signature page to the address on the paper. You MUST have at least ONE parents information on your fafsa application (and if that parent is remarried their spouses income information as well). If you do not put parent information you will only get Unsubsidized student loans to go to college. The college must have a federal school code... generally these are in the US, with a few exceptions.
2 :
u can get financial aid as long as ur either a US citizen or legal permanent resident..

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