Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How much would a Student Visa cost to go to school in Taipei, Taiwan?

How much would a Student Visa cost to go to school in Taipei, Taiwan?
For my senior year of high school, i wanted to attend school in Taipei. But I Have no idea how to get a student visa, and my school does not provide an exchange program and they know nothing about getting a visa. I was just wondering how much it would cost to get a Student visa if already have a passport.
Taiwan - 1 Answers
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Student Visas for american students are about $120 you also need an acceptance letter from the school, and 3000 usd in a bank statement to give to the office to prove you can support yourself. (your parents account is fine too) A round trip plane ticket will cost over 1000. (generally 1400) isuggest cathay pacific, they are very customer friendly and the food is not bad. personal tvs with games. You can apply for a visa at a Taipei economic office in america. There is one in NYC the other is in California? more useful info here: http://www.boca.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=1305&CtNode=109&mp=2

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