Monday, March 7, 2011

i wan to be an exchange student to China/Taiwan/S.Korea?

i wan to be an exchange student to China/Taiwan/S.Korea?
i want to study in china when im in 10th or 11th grade? how do i get in? places i like to go study are Taipei (Taiwan), Hong Kong,shanghai. but mostly i would like to go study in Taipei.
Other - Asia Pacific - 1 Answers
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Youth For Understanding (YFU)USA offers opportunities to study in China. Although, we don't guarantee a specific city. YFU is a homestay program that matches students with families. We are currently offering a scholarship to China, although the deadlines is coming up and may be as early as January 5th. Please visit our website or you can call 800.TEENAGE to speak to an admissions counselor. Even if the deadline is tomorrow, you might be able to get a short extension. Best wishes Lisa Chinnery YFU USA

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