Saturday, April 7, 2012

transfer student question?

transfer student question?
I am writing to know about the information of student I-20 and Student Visa. I am a student from Taiwan; I am currently studying the MBA program in San Jose city. I arrive at US on Aug 22. This is my first semester of study. After one month study in the current school, I find out the school and the area around the school provides limited resource for students. It is really hard for student to improve study in MBA program, especially language improvement. During the past one month, I applied the other University for MBA program in Wisconsin. I applied it with the transcript from my original university in Taiwan because the current semester hasn’t finished yet so I do not have a transcript from the current school. The new I-20 has send out already. But unfortunately, the new I-20 has been send to Taiwan. My family will send it back to me in few days. The current semester hasn’t finished yet but I already have the new I-20 from the new school which starts on Oct 19. I would like to know the correct steps to be transfer to the new school. what if my current school won't let me quit during the term? do they have right to do that? can i just leave the current and go register the new school? isn't it really unfair for the have right to force student to stay not to be transfer even student have the new I20..what kind of rule is that...
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
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I think you should call your new school and ask them. My guess is since you haven't used your current school's information, the new school is treating you like a brand new student from Taiwan. However, since you are already in US, you should go to records and admission office of your current school and tell them you are going to transfer and see what they will do.

transfer student question?
I am writing to know about the information of student I-20 and Student Visa. I am a student from Taiwan; I am currently studying the MBA program in San Jose city. I arrive at US on Aug 22. This is my first semester of study. After one month study in the current school, I find out the school and the area around the school provides limited resource for students. It is really hard for student to improve study in MBA program, especially language improvement. During the past one month, I applied the other University for MBA program in Wisconsin. I applied it with the transcript from my original university in Taiwan because the current semester hasn’t finished yet so I do not have a transcript from the current school. The new I-20 has send out already. But unfortunately, the new I-20 has been send to Taiwan. My family will send it back to me in few days. The current semester hasn’t finished yet but I already have the new I-20 from the new school which starts on Oct 19. I would like to know the correct steps to be transfer to the new school. what if my current school won't let me quit during the term? do they have right to do that? can i just leave the current and go register the new school? isn't it really unfair for the have right to force student to stay not to be transfer even student have the new I20..what kind of rule is that...
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think you should call your new school and ask them. My guess is since you haven't used your current school's information, the new school is treating you like a brand new student from Taiwan. However, since you are already in US, you should go to records and admission office of your current school and tell them you are going to transfer and see what they will do.

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