Sunday, April 1, 2012

What college can i study chinese for 2 months from this November to December?

What college can i study chinese for 2 months from this November to December?
I want to take a chinese class in Taiwan.I want to stay in a dorm. i want to do the classes at a college. I am a past exchange student to Taiwan. My chinese is okay but i want to really improve. another reason for my going is to see my girlfriend. Which college is the best to go to? i want to be free all day and have night classes preferably from 6-10 if that's possible. I also want to be allowed to stay outside of the dorms at any time i want.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Maybe you could try this software to learn the speaking of chinese. haha...
2 :
Just November and December? I don't think there's any such program. Sorry. Most programs with dorms run like normal colleges, that is, there's a semester or trimester system. I don't think you'll be able to find any programs with dorms that run for two months only.
3 :
China Language Institute but it's3 months..

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