Tuesday, August 14, 2012

studying in taiwan?

studying in taiwan?
I'm keen to take up a master degree in journalism in National Taiwan University. I've a few questions here: 1) I'm good in Chinese but am only exposed to Simplified Chinese. I can read Traditional Chinese but can't really write (on the other hand, typing wouldn't be a problem because I can recognise the characters). Will the inability to write Traditional Chinese be a problem? Or is there any chance I could actually write my exam scripts in Simplified Chinese? 2) Is it possible to complete the degree in 1-1.5 years? I know that traditionally, master degrees are completed in about 2 years, but I do wish to complete it in a shorter period of time. Will really appreciate any form of suggestions or comments. If you're a current NTU student or an international student in Taiwan, or if you have lots of knowledge regarding this, I'll really appreciate it if you could drop me an email at xdette@hotmail.com for further correspondence. Thanks! gary>> Thanks for your response. Just to answer one of your question, I'm a graduate. Also wondering about point 3 in your answer about learning tc in china - I believe china uses sc, no?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
1) i doubt so...sc is not popular or as the content of education for taiwanese educational system..so only using informally will do it, u probably have to learn how to write in tc during summer then take the classes 2) depend on the program, u grad or undergrad? its the same else where though...of course if u prefer to finish master in 1 or 1.5, u can appeal for school' credits system and go for overload and then u should be able to take more classes. The point is you can only jump or go over load to finish quicker though. 3) my best suggestion is you learn tc in china then go to NTU later...

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