Thursday, November 1, 2012

what is the university life like in America?

what is the university life like in America?
Hi~there My name is angela Wang and I am a college student in Taiwan. I am just wondering what is the life like in American universities? Is it really so interesting and colorful like the movies we see on TV? What do you usually do or like to do after school? I am quite curious about it, can you tell me more about it no matter where you from in America, please? Thank you! P.S please forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes.I am still trying to learn English well.thanks.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Do not trust TV. Not all students act like in the American Pie or Road Trip. It really depends on the person. I guess it is pretty much like in Taiwan. Most people from other countries think US universities are easy but the top universities in US can be pretty tough. People have to take more electives in US than other Commonwealth countries. Some states may also have history or language requirements which is rare in other countries. More exams and projects in US. Sure you can also choose to have a life like movies in US if you can. All it takes is popularity, money and sex appeals (just like everywhere else.) I think Australia has the easiest higher education system.
2 :
Your grammer seems to be coming along nicely. Your punctuation is good enough to think that you are well versed in english. As for university life, it really depends on what university you attend. Some private schools are very selective and frown upon the debauchery that you would see in the average hollywood film. Others are exactly what you would see in those films. Fraternities and sororities can party like no one's business, but what you don't see a lot of are their acts of charity. If you decide to go to a state funded university, be prepared for dorm life. You will be meeting all types of people from all walks of life. Thankfully, tolerance is highly promoted and you should not have any real problems with people who are less tolerable. There are usually gathering centers and advice centers for those who are from foreign countries, and should you have a problem, there will be someone to help you. Good luck on your endeavors, and should you seek an education in the U.S. I hope that you find the experience enjoyable and culturally stimulating.

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