Wednesday, November 7, 2012

can anyone tell me about how to obtain scholarship to Stanford and NYU respectively?

can anyone tell me about how to obtain scholarship to Stanford and NYU respectively?
i am an international student from Taiwan and i intend to achieve my scholar degree in the US ...please tell me the ways and criteria to get scholarship ! i am interested in the department of creative writing and fashion design...or something about mag editing....
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
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1 :
First of all, call the school and ask that particular department for scholarship requirements. A friend of mine got into Stanford on a scholarship last year, BUT she also had a perfect score on the SAT, too. You may have to lower your standards a bit.
2 :
Both schools have programs in creative writing, but only NYU has a program in journalism, and neither school teaches fashion design. Very few schools offer scholarships to international undergraduate students, I'm afraid. Only if you are really outstanding in your field would you be considered for a scholarship if they have any which accommodate international students at any school, and at these in particular, since they are extremely selective schools. You may want to contact the financial aid offices at both schools, if you are really interested, to find out if they offer any such scholarships.

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