Thursday, February 28, 2013

Volunteer Abroad Program in Taiwan?

Volunteer Abroad Program in Taiwan?
Does anyone know of a good volunteer abroad program in Taiwan? for a high school student? I can't seem to find any online. What my friend(s) and I wish to do is find a good volunteer abroad program in Taiwan so we can help teach english to young children or anything else necessary. We're all minors between the ages of 16 and 17. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Community Service - 1 Answers
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1 :
Professional teachers in Taiwan usually have a degree and a TEFL certificate. If you go there as a volunteer this means that you are underqualified and - effectively - taking work away from a proper teacher. Meanwhile in a lot of cases the class you are teaching have paid in full for an English teacher. This is an unfortunate situation but in many, many cases volunteer placements are a money making exercise for the business which arranges them. If you want o volunteer, look for something local to you where you will do some good - teaching English to immigrants or refugees, for example.

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