Friday, March 1, 2013

What college can I get into with the following scores?

What college can I get into with the following scores?
I'm a international student from Taiwan. I would like to know what kind of college can I get into with the following scores: SAT reasoning: reading:680 math:790 writing:630 SAT2: Math 2:800 Physics:800 Chem:790 Bio:750 I'm the captain of our school's baseball team and participate in student council(being as a secretary) I also have some volunteer work p.s. I've won the first prize of the national science fair
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you know what you want to major in, look for schools with good programs for that. Then look online at their website for the requirements.
2 :
You have a competitive chance at getting in to some prestigious schools... Brown, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, etc. Your writing is a bit low, but it's still ok. How's ur GPA? are those ur only extra curriculars? are u applying from Taiwan or from the states? How's ur TOEFL score? what do u want to study?

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