Saturday, September 1, 2012

I want to go to University in Taiwan...How do I do it???

I want to go to University in Taiwan...How do I do it???
I was an exchange student to Taiwan for over 10 months and I have learned the language (Mandarin Chinese) to an extent to which I could live on my own in Taiwan. But my Chinese isn't good enough to sit in a classroom and actually learn every single thing that's said. I would like my Chinese to get to the point of which I will be able to take full classes in Chinese. But first I'll have to find a University in Taiwan that will take me. I want to do my entire University career in Taiwan. I will have to take all my classes in English of course. So my question is, Where can I find a College that will teach in English? I don't want to go just to learn Chinese. Of course I'll want to perfect my Chinese but I'll have to actually take all of the normal college courses first. I don't want to just spend a single year learning just the language abroad...I want to spend my entire career and life abroad!!! Which University can I go to??? I also don't even know where to go to ask. I'm in my senior year of high school and running out of time. I need to find a place to go (in Taiwan) NOW!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
wow man you rock :) i wish i know chinese :)
2 :
Hello, Go check the link of Ministry of Education website below. You could find some useful information and you may email them with your question as well: In addition, the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) is offering programs which dedicated to the teaching of Chinese culture and Chinese as a second language. All levels of standard and Classical Chinese as well as Chinese culture are taught there. A friend of my sister took a summer course there few years ago, and I remember that he enjoyed it a lot. Check this link below: Good luck!

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