Saturday, July 28, 2012

does GPA have a strong influence on my application for college?

does GPA have a strong influence on my application for college?
i am a high school student from Taiwan . i transferred to NYC when i was in grade 10 which means that i didn't study the ninth grade in the US so my grade-nine GPA was transferred and some of my credits were denied due to some regulations of the US educational system. if i score high on both the two of the critical exams -- TOEFL and SAT...can these high sores and extracurriculars and some awards of competitions cover the flaw in my GPA?
Higher Education (University +) - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i know from experience. High SAT scores can help u so much
2 :
maybe, but GPA is still important, a high one would almost guarantee your entrance into a school of your choice. Good Luck!
3 :
It depends on the college but most just look at SAT/ACT scores. You high school GPA usually only comes in handy when applying for scholarships.
4 :
It sounds like you have some special circumstances. I think that most schools will look at your record and take that into account (that you transferred and had difficulty with your credits), and will try not to hold it against you. Also, a high SAT score should help. I have never taken the TOEFL, but I suspect the better you perform the better off you will be as an applicant (although there are other parts of your application that help to indicate your proficiency in English as well). One final thing you have working in your favor is that you came from overseas. Colleges, generally speaking, like to include people of diverse cultural, social, and linguistic backgrounds in their classes, so you make a good applicant in that respect. Best of luck on your applications!
5 :
GPA is considered, but I had a 2.8 and got into a pretty tough school because my scores on both the ACT and SAT were very high. So just go for it, you never know until you try.
6 :
Many colleges list GPA as being more important than SAT scores. GPA is from the entire year, SAT is from 1 or 2 days. Many colleges are actually going SAT/ACT free. No tests scores required. If you EXPLAIN to the college what happened however, I am sure they would totally understand the situation and your test scores for the SAT would back that up. Many admission officers think that is you have a low GPA and high test scores that you are smart but lazy. You have a reason for the lower GPA which shows that is NOT the case with you. On the other hand low test scores with a high GPA can show that one does not test well, isn't very good at reasoning but can handle class work, or that they may have been ill on test day.
7 :
first off, to the guy who said most schools "only look at sat", clearly has no idea what hes talking about. NO school values the sat more than the gpa. its the other way around- they look at your gpa first and foremost before ANYTHING. it is by far the most important thing on your app, period. and to answer your question, it depends how low your gpa is; many schools have a cutoff- as in they will not even look at the students application if their gpa is under, say a 2.5 (thats for most mid or lower-ranked state schools, not the more prestigious colleges; theirs would be substantially higher). i guess the answer to this depends on what schools you are applying to- if its harvard, yale, brow, upenn, etc, they want the whole package- you cant have any flaws in your application at all. sat is important, but not nearly coming close to the importance of the gpa- you took the sat in one day and your gpa shows your dedication to school throughout the last 4 years
8 :
Definitely not. In our barbaric soceity, it is a test of strength, not of intelligence that wins college acceptances. At your next exam, merely eviscerate your teacher and bath in his blood. Afterwords, apply at KFC and jizz in the cash register. Hilary Clinton riding an emu.

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